Tim Gaiser MS

How to Recognize and Teach Wine Faults with Tim Gaiser MS

Summary:  Join Master Sommelier Tim Gaiser in a seminar exploring the major wine flaws.  Tim will discuss the causes, effects, and sensory markers for wine flaws including TCA, Brettanomyces, Mercaptan and more. Presenter: Tim Gaiser MS Tim Gaiser is an internationally renowned wine expert and lecturer.  He is one of 240 individuals worldwide to

Tasting Mastery: Learning Best Practices of Top Tasters with Tim Gaiser MS

Summary: With the help of behavioral scientist Tim Hallbom, Tim Gaiser worked to deconstruct his own internal wine-tasting strategies. Gaiser has since taken this experience and expanded it by conducting his own research with other top tasters in the industry. Combining his understanding of wine tasting and behavioral strategies, Tim has unlocked the hidden code of expert wine tasting. Presenter: Tim Gaiser MS Tim Gaiser is an internationally