Felipe Sampaio de Oliveira, FWS, SWS, IWS

  • The Wine Scholar programs are really comprehensive and in-depth courses. They help a lot to deepen your knowledge about French, Spanish and Italian wines.
  • Wine Enthusiast
  • French Wine Scholar, Spanish Wine Scholar, Italian Wine Scholar, WSET Level 3
Felipe Sampaio de Oliveira, FWS, SWS, IWS

Congratuations to Felipe Sampaio de Oliveira, FWS, SWS, IWS, for passing the French Wine Scholar, Spanish Wine Scholar and Italian Wine Scholar exams with highest honors!

About Felipe:

I work as an analyst for the Brazilian Senate.  I started to study wine because I have always been an enthusiast on the subject.  However, due to the courses I have already completed (FWS, SWS, IWS and WSET3), job opportunities in the wine world have started to emerge.

I started teaching introductory wine classes and doing guided tastings.  In the future I intend to become an educator at some international wine school. Who knows at WSG...

Having most recently finished IWS, I will be starting WSG Master Levels.

The Wine Scholar programs are really comprehensive and in-depth courses.  They help a lot to deepen your knowledge about French, Spanish and Italian wines.

Andrea Mcewan

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