Sariya Kampanathsanyakorn, FWS

  • Apart from WSET Diploma, I also took a French Wine Scholar class, which was a very good decision as FWS course helped strengthening my knowledge about French wines
  • Freelance food and wine writer
  • WSET Level 3
Sariya Kampanathsanyakorn, FWS

Congratulations to Sariya Kampanathsanyakorn, FWS for passing the French Wine Scholar exam with highest honors with AWSEC in Hong Kong!


About Sariya Kampanathsanyakorn:

"I have been a wine enthusiast for all of my life.  Wine is my passion.  I first studied wine while I was doing a Food Studies degree at NYU and following my graduation I then took the WSET Higher Certificate course (which is now Level 3). I have been a freelance food and wine writer along with my other full-time jobs ever since I came back to Thailand.  After a long break from a classroom environment, I am now back to class for my wine studies in order to advance my career into wine education.

Apart from WSET Diploma, I also took a French Wine Scholar class, which was a very good decision as FWS course helped strengthening my knowledge about French wines.  This is extremely useful when you have to prepare for the last half of the Diploma study.  

I have always been a French wine lover and FWS made my passion for French wines goes even further.  I learned about many interesting French wine regions and appellations in details.  I love the history part, and although the regulation aspects were quite intimidating at first but at the end of the day they were very useful.  FWS made you want to explore more especially about the lesser-known regions.

I recently did the Italian Wine Scholar Unit 1 exam (eagerly waiting for the result) and I can’t wait to take the Unit 2 class.   I highly recommend FWS to everyone who wants to explore in details about French wines."

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