Ciro Pirone, IWS

  • The IWS added another layer of complexity and in-depth knowledge that I will carry with me.
  • Director of Italian Wines, Horizon Beverage Company
  • WSET Level 3
Ciro Pirone, IWS

Congratulations to Ciro Pirone, IWS, for passing the Italian Wine Scholar exam with highest honors!

About Ciro:

I have been working for Horizon Beverage Company for 12 years, starting as Italian Wine Specialist and then morphing into a multi-faceted position as Director of Italian Wines. My responsibilities within the company run from day to day market activities, educational seminars for the trade, as well as many types of trade events. I also create a monthly educational newsletter to share with our customers. Ultimately the goal is to showcase our Italian wine portfolio from various angles.

Over the years I have participated at various wine programs such as WSET (level 3), International Sommelier Guild (Advanced Level), Boston University Wine school (level 2), NASA Italian Wine Specialist Program, Vinitaly Wine Academy (Ambassador). For sure the IWS program touched several aspects about Italy such as history, culture, geography and much more that are extremely important in having a much better picture about Italy overall and its wines. Definitely added another layer of complexity and in-depth knowledge that I will carry with me.

I have just recently completed the Vinitaly Wine Academy program and having the IWS background studies and incredibly updated and well rounded book helped immensely as it is thoroughly written.  

I work with Italian wines daily and love to continue to learn more, I am hoping that the IWS program continues to evolve with master classes about specific subjects that are very relevant so that myself as well as many other folks in the industry and not can keep our excitement going.  

Andrea Mcewan

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